Wait well, stay well
Helping you manage you health and wellbeing

Important Practice News & Notices
What can pharmacies order on my behalf?
From Monday 6th February 2023
Pharmacies offer a valuable service for patients that includes requesting medication directly from practices, however, there are times when this is not the best way to ensure patient safety and can lead to avoidable wastage. To help with this we have agreed locally between our PCN, Bow Health Network, and local pharmacies that we will standardise our approach across practices and pharmacies to make it easier for everyone to know what to do.

getUBetter MSK App
Need help with your muscle or joint problems?
NHS North East London – TNW MSK app is now available to all patients. It’s a FREE, easy-to-use tool helping you to self-manage your muscle, bone, and joint (MSK) injuries and conditions.
What to do if your child is unwell
Click here to view/download a guilde for parents
Contact us online
Please use our simple online form as a quick and easy way for our patients to contact us for assistance. For those of you who may have difficulty in completing the form our phone lines remain open. Your request will be read during office hours and we aim to get back to you within 48 … Read More
Registering now!
It’s always important to be registered with a GP but even more so now during the Covid 19 pandemic.
In view of this we are taking on new patients
If you are looking to register with a GP please CLICK HERE.
Introducing the NHS app
The NHS App provides a simple and secure way for patients to book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.
NHS Live Well
Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.
Self care
Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated by you at home? By treating yourself at home you could save a trip to the surgery and free up time for the GPs to see patients with more serious health problems. Read about some of the most … Read More
Have you had your flu vaccine?
Are you pregnant?
Are you 65 years or over?
Do you have diabetes?
Do you have COPD or asthma?
Do you have heart disease?
Do you have a weak immune system?

This practice allows community health service clinical staff directly involved in your care to access parts of your medical record. Your consent will be asked before this can take place. If you do not wish this to happen, please let the practice know.